Friday, February 18, 2011

Miss Emory finally arrived :) She took her time - 11 days late! But arrived on 2/6/11 at 1237. We ended up having a c-section after about 12 hours of labor for "failure to progress". I'm not so sure I agree, but she's here and she's healthy and that's all that matters. Doug was home with us for the first week and half, and my sister was here Wednesday and Julie Thursday.. which leads us to Friday.. today, my birthday, none the less. The 3 of us are having our first "regular" day. I think we're doing well - I've got the diapers and towels put away, dishes were done (because, of course you never have all the dishes done for a long period of time.. more always pop up!), both bebes are currently napping and I'm blogging. Go me! At my "incision check" this week, my doctor told me that I should have 5 babies because I made having a c/s look easy. I wonder what he'd think if he saw how we've done today. I'm not trying to brag, but I feel darn good about it so far!! (Of course, talk to me around 4, which is when I normally get stressed out).

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